Welcome to NatureServe Explorer PRO

Welcome to NatureServe Explorer Pro

NatureServe Explorer Pro extends the capabilities of NatureServe Explorer, the definitive source of information for rare and endangered species and ecosystems in North America. Through interactive maps and place-based reporting, Explorer Pro allows users to explore where at-risk species have been documented, including through Element Occurrence and observation data, and where they may occur based on habitat models.

Why NatureServe Data?

NatureServe maintains standard methods and tools for collecting field data, mapping biological features with high precision, and assessing their conservation status. The NatureServe Network of 1,000 conservation experts are trained in our core methodologies, so that our scientific data is decision-quality, objective, and credible.

How it Works

Single Species Search

View Locations for a Single Species

View Locations for a Single Species

Use Species Search and Filter and enter a species name in the search tool to see the distribution of a single species throughout the United States and Canada.

Link to Local Data Sources

Link to Local Data Sources

After performing a single species search, click on a state/province to get the State/Provincial Status. Use the local partners link to go to the state or provincial NatureServe Network member program's website where more data may be available for this species. If the layer is not turned on, you may turn on the "State/Provincial Conservation Status" layer for that species in the Table of Contents under NatureServe Species Data. A link to all Network Programs can be found in the NatureServe Network Directory.

View All Species in an Area

View All Species in an Area

Explore an Area

Use Filter by Area to get a list of species that are found within an area of interest. You can draw your own area with a polygon mapping tool, choose from a range of existing map layers, or upload map layers using a zipped Shapefile or URL.

Create Biodiversity Reports

Create Biodiversity Reports

Once an area filter is defined, select View Species List and then choose Run Biodiversity Report for an Area to generate a list of species found within the area. Users with appropriate licenses can export both tabular and spatial data from biodiversity reports.